Reports: Greetings from GILBERT
New category: Audio books
Evidence of telepathy through experiments
Confession and spiritual Legacy of the Aviation Pioneer Dr. Ing. h.c. Igo Etrich
Update: PsyGrenz-EN app for Windows
New: Search Engine
The Delpasse-Effect (Prof. Delpasse)
Meditation (Prof. Dr. Klaus Engel)
The hereafter within us
A book review by Dr. Erich Luban
Future scenarios from Psycho-science and Prophecy
Precognition - The scientific view
Renown (Presentations and reports)
Completion of the book "The all-important Why"
Communicating with God’s World of Spirit – its laws and its purpose (Pastor J. Greber)
The public reputation of parapsychology and the opponents of everything paranormal
Life after physical death (Prof. Dr. Schiebeler)
Seidel family
Danziger Str. 4 * 65474 Bischofsheim * Germany
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