The World in which I live

PSYCHO-SCIENTIFIC FRONTIERS Selected publications from a variety of subjects of psycho-scientific research. Internet: " Source: Frieda Hohenner-Parker Frederick Mrs. Hohenner-Parker was a German teacher who married an Englishman in 1914. Her son Frederick, as a British flying officer during WW II, lost his life during a test flight at the age of 22. His mother however succeeded in contacting him via various mediums, there does not seem to have been the same shortage of them in England as here with us. Frederick verified his identity more than adequately. The following narrated contact took place via the then well-known and certified medium Mr. C. R. Dell as well as via the clairaudient medium Mr. Mackay. Dell was a deep-trance medium. Such a medium tends to not remember anything of what took place during the trance state after waking up. Introduction My seven-year long interaction with the WORLD of SPIRIT since the passing of our only son Federick in 1942, he was an observer in the Royal Air Force, not only furnished me with innumerable evidence of one’s personal survival after death, but it also gave me insights into a world wherein all continue to live and continue to strive. Even though our son was only 22 years old, he had an excellent opportunity to gain the latest findings in the fields of physics, chemistry and biology and his training at the R.A.F. as a radio operator to begin with and then as an observer, added the latest findings in the field of wave science. Whilst on Earth, he devoted his free time to private experiments and research; he was already trained for specific purposes by HIGHER ENTITIES at that time. His education was immediately continued on the OTHER SIDE; even though the main part of his assignment consisted in helping others that CROSSED OVER during the war years, he listened to lectures and worked in laboratories. He also specifically prepared himself to be able to influence people on Earth; he was utilised to help scientists make new discoveries. These and also other messages verified that the different mediums or “instruments”, as they are called on the OTHER SIDE, are guided by the same INTELLIGENCE. Frederick Hohenner-Parker The World in which I live Messages about life after death written down by Frieda Hohenner-Parker

- 2 - Collaboration in groups seems to be the norm a lot and they remind us to keep our minds open so that we are able to receive worthwhile ideas. It has also been verified in our own home that these DISEMBODIED BEINGS can work with what we call physical matter; because things I had lost or really missed were brought back to me in an inexplicable way on numerous occasions. These were lightweight items that I constantly used; a knife, a fountain pen, a small pair of scissors etc. I personally prefer messages of scientific or moral value and I solicitously conduct my research in order to gain more insights into these fields of knowledge by graciously accepting whatever I come across in order to pass it on to others when the opportunity arises; I have been told that these insights are transmitted to me so that I can disseminate them. Some fragments of my experiences through direct contact or psychic interaction between the visible and INVISIBLE WORLD have been published in the quarterly brochures of the London Institute for Experimental Metaphysics, from July 1946 to January 1947. My SPIRIT FRIENDS endeavour to furnish me with further evidence of their continued activities and this in a very special fashion. Three of them can talk through the direct control of the medium. One year after his PASSING, our son was already able to do this; through the authenticated London medium Mr. C. R. Dell, he gave me a detailed account of his experiences during his fatal accident, I wrote it down in shorthand and translated it into German. * * * The World in which I live 1. Transition and initial otherworldly-experiences (11th of February 1947, Medium: C.R. Dell) “I have COME ACROSS to this place like thousands of other people from all races, classes, colours and religions. We sacrificed our lives for ideals with the assumption that our cause was the right one; we were mistaken. Peace can only be achieved through love, harmony and understanding and not through the use of war ammunition that leads to bloodshed and breaks the heart. One moment I was in the air (with my machine) and the next moment I was in water and my soul was released. I naturally first thought of my mother and those I love. I wandered around for a few days like someone without hope and without the wish to live or to die. Then I MET others that had gone this path before me and they showed me that this WORLD was a real, tangible, pulsating, vital WORLD. We have HALLS to REST, to LEARN about MEDICINE, CULTURE, MUSIC etc. and all the things a young man yearns for. The HALL of LEARNING is a wonderful building to behold, completely in Greek architecture. I espied the figure of a man who seemed to be very old; he said: ‘This is the way my son.’ This was the most glorious spectacle that I had ever marvelled at. It surpassed everything that I had ever seen on Earth, not so much through his external countenance, but through the atmosphere it penetrated through. I followed my GUIDE.

- 3 - The entrance hall contained students. Some of them tried to absorb the higher doctrines of philosophy. I asked them who the teacher was and I was told that he was called Socrates on Earth. As I was only visiting and not here to learn, I went further into this hall with my GUIDE. We encountered those that studied the intertwined laws of medicine. I asked why medicine was studied as there was no need for it. The answer was: ‘These people, the one we hear here, were physicians, each specialises in one branch of this science. They will once again be in touch with Earth through ‘sensitives’ or as one says ‘mediums’. They must convey their knowledge to terrestrial physicians. The only way to do this is through the use of expressions that they can understand so that they are able to alleviate the pain and suffering of the people on Earth’. We reached the HALL of CULTURE; it was way beyond Greek classical culture. I saw traces of German culture, a culture that will ultimately penetrate through the daily life of people. All of this would have taken seven hours of your earth time. We took leave and I went on with my GUIDE until he also said: “Good bye, until we see each other again!’ Outside, I found a group of students. I didn’t stop; but when I went by, they said to me: ‘Welcome brother, talk to us!’ I talked to one of them. He told me that he was Russian. The other one was Latvian, the third was a Spaniard, the fourth a German, then an Englishman and a Frenchman. I said: ‘This is strange; do you not know that your countries are at war with one another?’ As one they said: ‘This is on Earth. We learned a great secret. We are no longer bound by country and doctrines; we now comprehend that we are only great through what we achieve. We are messengers that will try to enter the homes and hearts of people in order to instil tolerance and understanding for one another in them.’ I moved on. I had learned a new lesson, namely that people of all social standing, colour and confessions can live with one another in harmony once the veil of the flesh is removed. I was tired and I sat down in an arbour next to a garden bed planted with the most glorious flowers that I have ever seen; my thoughts raced to those that I loved on Earth and I asked myself how they fared. I thought of my mother and this is when it happened for the first time that I experienced that one can travel on a THOUGHT WAVE in the WORLD of SPIRITS. I felt myself penetrate through space without moving my arms and legs and I suddenly found myself next to my mother. I said: ‘Mother, mother, can you hear me? It’s me, Federick, I am not in the air force. I am dead and I am still alive just the same. Can you hear me?’ I did not receive an answer. – My mother couldn’t hear me. Comment: This must have been two days after receiving the telegram that declared that our son as missing. Because I suddenly felt that Frederick stood next to me as I sat at the breakfast table thinking about how he had sat opposite me a few days ago. My heart became heavy… I asked myself whether a GOD existed. I felt so lonely in a cold world. The thought arose: is there nobody that can help me? At the very moment a BRIGHT RADIANT SOUL appeared; I will call my FRIEND WILHELM. WILHELM asked: ‘Are you missing something?’ I answered: ‘I am dead, but I live just the same. This is wonderful, but I cannot do what I would like to do, namely talk to my mother, because she cannot hear me.’

- 4 - He replied: ‘This is a task that can be resolved with a little practise. Follow me! I will show you.’ He walked a distance with me and we came to a gathering that I learned to call a séance later. The centre of this gathering was the medium, an apparently ordinary human being. A group of SCEINTISTS were assembled around this medium. They said to me: ‘Welcome my friend, we are willing to instruct you. We can use this man as an instrument between the WORLD of SPIRIT and your old world. But before this can happen, we must awaken emotions that cause certain VIBRATIONS that are usually produced through deep breathing. We must then lower the VIBRATIONS of the ENTIY from the WORLD of SPIRIT that wants to utilise this opportunity.’ I tried to follow their advice; but with my first attempt I could not make myself visible or audible. But I realised that this was a task that I would try to resolve so that I could eventually associate with my mother in order to let her know that her son Federick Parker, even though he was dead, was still alive after all. When I come back the next time, I will tell you how WE get through to Earth, how I felt during my first control and the joy it gave me. All the words on Earth cannot describe just how wonderful this WORLD is that one calls ‘death’. We have a lot to tell each other when we meet and we might then be able to help the Earth. May GOD bless you; you are the best mother that I could have wished for!” 2. Encounter with famous researchers (14th of August 1947, Medium: Mr. Jack Mackay) First if all I would like to mention here that working through Mr. Mackay is completely different than through Mr. Dell. Whist the latter falls into the deepest trance during his private sittings, Mr. Mackay never loses his consciousness. He HEARS everything the WORLD of SPIRIT tells him, like a telephone conversation. His CLAIRAUDIENCE is very pronounced. He did at times transmit long sentences in German or Italian without actually knowing these languages himself. He unfortunately talked too fast during this sitting so that I had to omit a lot of it. He mentioned at the beginning that Frederick had been incorporated into a special ORDER through an INAUGURATION; he described a shield and sword, the insignia of this order, one that is comparable to the Order of St. John of the crusades. Frederick had been assigned a GUIDE through this initiation that was known by the name of LIGHT. Frederick then said himself that he had studied under Sir William Crookes, Sir Oliver Lodge and Paul Ehrlich. “Paul Ehrlich is well-known amongst medical students. This German was well learned in regards to nerve and blood diseases. As the bulk of my time is devoted to those that are mentally ill, he taught me how certain thoughts are to be held on to in order to stabilise these people and to help them comprehend where and who they were.” Comment: Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915) German physician, Professor in Göttingen, since 1914 in Frankfurt. Co-founder of the Serum-therapy. 1908 Nobel Price Winner; discovered the Salvarsan (Chemotherapy drug). “I met a lot of spiritual greats here, also many known in the world of music. I will try to describe a concert to you.”

- 5 - As well as terrestrial language and comparison allowed, he then described a concert wherein sounds, colours and thoughts combine into a large entirety. The conductor was Chopin who is not just a composer there, but also the conductor of his own new works. These glorious concerts serve the purpose of elevation, to make the greatness of the CREATOR comprehensible to them, in order to refresh them and fill them with new energy. He then continued with talking about his scientific studies. “I am also interested in nuclear research. We try to influence the souls of terrestrial scientists though direct thoughts so that they can discover the principles of these forces. Human beings are destined to utilise the energies of their external world for their own purposes. Crookes now realises that his ideas, the ones he entertained on Earth, are nothing when compared with the knowledge here. Comment: Sir William Crookes (1832-1919) was an authority in the field of physics and chemistry. His experiments with the materialisation medium Miss Florence Cool were well known. “We are not privileged to know and discover everything before mankind has reached the required maturity. But we want to help the people on Earth to comprehend the principles that control the universe to a greater extent the way our FATHER in heaven arranged it from the beginning. It is the only means through which human beings can gain spiritual understanding. We realise that it is necessary to constantly maintain all of life’s activities. The “Dolce far niente” (It is sweet to do nothing) is not for us. We are very active, very busy and I thank GOD that the GREAT SOULS that I have met are helping me. They teach me with a certain aim in mind. When I was with you, I already sensed that I was destined for this special task. The experiments that I carried out were not part of my work on Earth, but a preparation for my calling here. I had to sacrifice a part of my life on Earth for this. I could shout for joy! I had to work hard and strenuously in order to gain the understanding that I have achieved so far. But I must continue; the higher I climb, the harder I will work. I myself cannot grasp the GREAT PLAN of his totality. One wants to lead me to a consultation with the SOVEREIGNS of this region that I live in. This is an honour that is bestowed upon those that went through the initiations. These GREAT SOULS are aware of the PRIMARY FORCES of development. Lodge and the others are very humble when they talk about these GREAT SOULS. They are accessible to them to a certain degree. But the fact that I should see them personally is a great privilege.” Comment: Sir Oliver Lodge, 1851-1940, was a great authority in the field of electricity in his time. In his book “Raymond” he reported about his spiritistic contact with his son, an officer who passed away in 1915. “Remember that I am very close by and that I have the POWER to radiate my thoughts in your direction. I am not physically present. It is like a radio transmission. I can do it, because I have trained for it.”

- 6 - 3. Christmas, greetings from Dr. Rudolf Steiner and Dr. Annie Besant (Christmas morning 1947, medium Mr. C.R. Dell) TOGO, the GUIDE of the medium: “Good morning my friend! May GOD bless you! Many of your loved ones are assembled around you and there is one that I have not seen before. His name is Steiner. I am told that this is a last name: Dr. Rudolf Steiner. He has come here in order to greet you and to tell you that the HIGHER INSIGHTS have been born out of peace and tranquillity. I believe that he is a gentleman that has made great progress on OUR SIDE and that he already made great strides on Earth through the debts and wealth of his HIGHER DOCTRINES. He was brought here by a lady who calls herself ‘Besant’. Me: “Oh, how wonderful! They knew one another on Earth?” TOGO the GUIDE of the medium: “They say ‘yes’. They come because it is the birthday celebration of the GREAT SOUL from NAZARETH and a time when peace and brotherliness should reign throughout all of mankind. Dr. Steiner says: ‘Proceed further into the extreme darkness so that through your good deeds and example LIGHT can be spread over mankind. I send my greetings to all the members and pray that you may receive enlightenment through GOD’S GRACE during the year that lies ahead of you. Your sincerely devoted Dr. Rudolf Steiner.’ Mrs. Besant then said: ‘My child, your inner consciousness is very receptive for accepting inspirations: Carry on with the knowledge that the GROUP of SOULS that I am just a member of, will guide, protect and indoctrinate you, not just in 1948, but also in various REALM until you have achieved that condition of perfection and peace that surpasses all the dreams of NIRVANA. – Your friend Annie Besant,’” TOGO continues: “Frederick has returned once again. He says: ‘Guten Morgen Mutter, good morning mother! He wanted to express his greeting in German and English today. He will take control, but not for long. You have a Christmas tree in the next room. He was there when you decorated it. Even though he is an adult, he is still a boy in his heart.” Frederick’s voice now came through the medium: “Guten Morgen Mutter, good morning mother! I am oh so pleased to be able to come to you again particularly because it is Christmas. Tell father that time cannot erase the happy memories that we all shared together and this is such a day. I wish I was here with you. After all, when we compare the conditions of OUR WORLD with those on Earth, we in the WORLD of SPIRIT feel very blessed. Powerful VIBRATIONS between the Earth and the WOLRD of SPIRIT have existed for a long time. This comes from the feelings of good will that reigns between individuals and whole families; we therefore receive this wealth of love and affection on our side and this makes our work easier. The people that cross over from the Earth to our WORLD of SPIRIT with a strong Christian conviction are naturally equally convinced that CHRIST was the HIGHEST SPIRIT of them all. But over time they gradually lose this opinion and start to realise that every prophet throughout

- 7 - history was of great value for the world in his time. So, I am going to talk about these people that were imbued with a powerful Christian conviction. Many amongst them would like to undertake a pilgrimage to Bethlehem, poor, sad and broken Bethlehem. This is a mere bagatelle from our side. Because we do not need ships, trains or aeroplanes to get from one point to another. We concentrate deeply and move with the speed of rays of light. A great number of SPIRITS have already gathered here in Bethlehem in order to pay homage to the PRINCE of PEACE. Many amongst them will undoubtedly absorb the RAYS and EMANATIONS that come from this AUGUST SOUL and fortified for their great and glorious mission to bring peace to the Earth, move forward. But let us return to England and Germany! One can see large, decorated Christmas trees in a number of squares where children play under them. But your eyes cannot detect the numerous SPIRITS of CHILDREN that have joint these children on Earth in order to participate in their bliss, felicity and joy. Many children see so-called fairies and elves around this time of year. These are not fairies: It is a look into the WORLD of SPIRIT. Now let us move from the Christmas tree to the bedside of a tired old woman. She has led a good life. She brought children into the world and courageously fought the difficult battle against misfortune and obstacles. This battle is now nearly at an end and she feels within her heart that this will be the last Christmas Eve that she will experience here on Earth. Assembled around her bed are the SPIRIT FORMS of her husband, he crossed over into our world 10 years ago; a young BOY who has just turned 19 when he lost his life at the SOMME during WWI and her DAUGHTER who only breathed for 5 minutes on Earth – a RADIANT SPIRIT. Her FATHER, her MOTHER and also her BROTHER are in her room and they patiently wait for the release of her tired soul. Out in the street, Christmas choirs sing ‘Silent night, holy night’ and the tired woman slips across into a GREATE LIFE. Peace and joy indeed reign there. Her LOVED ONES take her across the BOUNDARY in a state of peace, where there is neither sorrow, tears nor death. This is how the SPIRIT ENTITIES participate in this time of joy. Our thoughts are: May the peace that is revealed on Earth at this moment continue to gain strength until it fills whole world regardless of faith, confession, social standing and colour! I have talked to you for 20 minutes.” Comment: He must have read the time on my wrist watch through the medium’s closed eyes.

- 8 - 4. Materialisations. Cancer research. 1th of November 1947. Medium: Mr. C.R. Dell) “Good morning, mother. What a wonderful feeling to be again in one’s own home and to sit here on a chair! Nothing seems to have changed. The only thing that I miss it the ticking of the clock.” Comment: A small grandfather clock on the mantlepiece that he and his sister tended to maintain had stopped. “To begin with, I would like to alleviate a number of your doubts. I didn’t hear the footsteps on the floor above through your thoughts during the last sitting, but exactly the way I had heard it on Earth. I am in complete control of the medium’s senses, including the hearing. When we take control of a sensitive, the situation is at times reversed: The medium is absolutely unconscious, whilst we hear, feel perfectly and see 90%: But we do at times lose the train of thought that we had before taking control. I speak slowly so that you can write my words down. I can indeed see just how much you have written down. You have just reached the end of the page. I only say this to verify that I can see. Let’s now get back to my old theme! Besides the HALLS of PEACE, MUSIC and EDUCATION, there is a section in OUR WORLD where enormous LABORATORIES are situated. They are so extensive that your normal layman cannot overlook the whole; so instead of examining the whole, we will proceed from one stadium to another. I, Federick Parker, in company of others, was invited to observe the Process of Materialisation. There are a number of scientists that devote all of their time in attempts to construct physical forms. But as I am told, it is hardly ever as perfect as the people on Earth expect it. What is of significance is absolute harmony on the terrestrial side of the VEIL and a corresponding GROUP on the ASTRAL SIDE. A certain amount of superfluous matter is withdrawn from every participant, something that is noticeable at times by an unpleasant smell during the materialisation. This matter is prepared by the leading SCIENTIST who stands next to the medium. It is then transformed into semi-physical matter through violet, infrared and ultraviolet radiation. A SPIRIT is then chosen – naturally from our side! – and the group of SCIENTIST dresses this SPIRIT in this semi-physical matter who is then completely bathed in infrared rays. The form is not always dressed around the SPIRIT. at times, when the ENERGY is weak, the ECTOPLASTIC MIXTURE is draped around the medium. This is then the completed product that appears on your side. But our SCIENTISTS hope to be able to produce a RAY that can temporarily switch off the natural rays of light on Earth so that this created form can withstand the sharpness of daylight. From the LABORATORY for MATERIALISATIONS, I proceeded to another section, this time for PHYSICIANS. These made me welcome and they said: ‘Entrance to our group implies: Firstly, expert knowledge, secondly, the overwhelming desire to be of use and thirdly, the ability to forget yourself and your individuality.’

- 9 - I said: ‘My knowledge is limited; my desire to serve is overwhelming; my love for the less fortunate is as my love for GOD.’ The leader then said: ‘This makes you more than welcome.’ The first case that I saw was an experiment for cancer, this scourge of the human race. They believe that through a system of rays that possess the characteristics of gold, these rays can be directed at the affected parts of the human body so that the cancer is finally disseminated and the roots of the cancer can then be excreted through magnetic treatment on the terrestrial plane. They hold the opinion that this disease in inherited through certain deposits in the blood stream and that this is why it appears in certain families. They believe that certain blood groups posses too little of certain characteristics and too many of others; but we hope that through this special RAY and through magnetic treatment on Earth, the cancer can be healed. All I can tell you mother is that these experiments are being continued. They are looking for a physician on Earth who is receptive to their INSPIRATION and they believe that the first rung on the ladder of success will then have been climbed. From the laboratory I went out into the glorious countryside and the peace of my SPIRIT HOME. I knew that GOD is good and that all those that are tortured by the pains of cancer will find permanent relief one day. 5. Scientific experiments. (23rd of March 1948, Medium: Mr. Jack Mackay) I had hardly sat down and spread my paper in front of me when Mr. Mackay started: “Do you know Crawford?” Comment: I had never heard about him, but found out that Mr. W.Y. Crawford had conducted successful research work into psychic apparitions during 1917/20. “Do you know Frederick Myers?” Me: “Yes.” Comment: F.W.H. Myers was a professor of classical languages at Cambridge Trinity college and one of the founders of the London “Society for Psychic Research”, author of “Human personality and its survival of bodily death”. “Harvey?” – As I couldn’t quickly remember, Mr. Mackay continued: “This man was a physician. His work dealt with the blood circulation; he was the man who discovered it. This is a task that I have a deep and passionate interest in. WE are presently working on this. Some of the scientists in you world already know about this, one in Australia and one here. We instilled the idea from OUR SIDE, namely how the nuclear construct can be split, so that you recognise that matter and SPIRIT are equivalent expressions. It was not our intent that splitting the atom would be utilised for destructive purposes.

- 10 - I met Edison and he has completely changed his views since he CROSSED OVER. You would know Leibniz. He works with us when we conduct certain experiments that deal with ‘time’ and ‘space’. We have a completely different conception from yours. I discovered that the light HERE comes from WITHIN, whilst it comes from outside on Earth. So, for instance, when we require rest, we withdraw our active consciousness to find peace, we still our mind or – better expressed – our senses and are then aware of nothing unless the LIGHT illumenates it. I also discovered that all things are moving energy, like electrons. My stream of thoughts to you is as if electrons emanate from me and when I make a complete circle, you receive them. Returning to the atomic structure: We know the basic structure of the nuclear core; it is animated energy and we can influence it with the sheer POWER of the WILL and the mind. This effect is – if you can understand this – brought about through a connection of ideas and – lacking a better expression – of ENERGY. First of all, you must comprehend that all things are moving energy, that everything has formed from one ORIGINAL SUBSTANCE. Lodge calls it ‘Ether’ and through the POWER of our thoughts and the constructing will of a few that have assembled for this purpose, we can form this SUBSTANCE and change its construction exactly the way an atom changes its character or appearance through being bombarded with electric energies. This is where you can recognise the relationship between OUR work and that of your scientists that are presently dealing with nuclear energy. We can create through sheer WILLPOWER; but this is in itself not the most important thing. What is important is to know how one can guide the will and concentrate it long enough in order to produce and keep hold of what we intent to create. Once the consciousness of human beings has been enlightened, they will recognise the hidden, but enormous POWERS that reside within them. It will be possible for mankind to equally do what WE do HERE; therefore, our endeavour to direct a constant constructive stream of thoughts at your scientists that come close to gaining this insight. We strive for nothing less but to bring people into a new age of scientific thought and to establish a new social order of being. There are still a number of things that are unclear to us and this is why we conduct OUR experiments. We receive great help from many SOURCES here; I assume that we will continue a long way along this path and only stop until mankind is sufficiently developed to grasp and recognise these things; they are completely abstract to them, but not for US. It must have become clear to you from my previous comments that everything is moving energy. Have you ever contemplated where the feeling of coldness, the sinking of the temperature in rooms where séances take place, comes from, whilst you are in contact with us? It happens because energy is taken from the participants and transferred to the medium. We modified this energy for the purpose of communication; therefore, this feeling of tiredness and the necessity of recuperation and careful nourishment in order to replace the emanated energy.

- 11 - It is highly important for you to understand this and to comprehend that a healthy spirit, whose outward expression is a healthy body, is basically necessary for our purpose of communication. We are bound by certain LAWS; we are not allowed to deplete a part of the energy of one of the participants if that person requires that energy for its ordinary daily life. We use your surplus energy, not more and not less. This will make it clear to you why we do sometimes not succeed in getting through; it will also explain many other seeming contradictions that occur in our messages. For you to understand all of this is extremely necessary; because your understanding helps me to clear my thoughts when I am dealing with this special task of communication.” 6. About the implementation of trance-control (5th of August 1945, Medium: C.R. Dell) “Hello, mother, may GOD bless you! – It is very warm today.” Me: “Do you feel this?” “No, I only feel the difference between hot and cold when I touch the medium. The world in which I live in is wonderfully beautiful. Its joyfulness and its peace surpass the most glorious dreams of the people on Earth, but we cannot simply remain in our WORLD and enjoy the peace and beauty without sharing this joy with the inhabitants on Earth. In order to do this, we must find an expedient that will help us convey our greetings and the knowledge we have gathered to those on Earth. The expedient that we use is psychic ability. It is hardly understood; but it is still the main link between the world of the living and the so-called ‘dead’. Therefore, dear mother, I will try to explain what happens when those that have crossed over into the GREATER LIFE want to get in contact with Earth via mediums. To begin with, the medium must be willing to participate, it would otherwise be impossible for us to succeed. Psychic ability is an inherent gift; people cannot be turned into mediums. Suitable conditions are essential for psychic abilities to express themselves. Firstly: Harmony, secondly the genuine desire to get in contact with the WORLD of SPIRIT in order to help mankind, thirdly cleanliness in the environment as well as the person, ergo the medium; ALIEN CONTACTS would otherwise attach themselves. The rest is up to US once this has been adhered to on Earth. Human beings on Earth possess a lower RATE of VIBRATION; we must therefore endeavour to raise theirs and to lower OURS. The heightening of psychic VIBRATIONS is a kind of excitation that flows through the medium and it raises the vibration by around 10 percent. The SPIRIT ENTITY endeavours to reduce its RATE of VIBRATION through its concentration on purely physical and terrestrial things. Once this has happened, we have accordance between the terrestrial and the otherworldly person; the SPIRIT ENTITY overshadows the medium. The task of the surrounding GROUP of SPIRITS now consists in having absolute control. The SPIRIT of the medium is temporarily separated from the body during a deep trance; when in this

- 12 - state, a sudden shock can indeed have very ominous consequences for the medium! The medium and its SPIRIT are then connected through a very THIN CORD that emerges from the top of the spine. The SPIRIT withdraws to a distance of around 1.2m and it is not conscious of feelings or emotions in most cases. On very rare occasions the medium might have a feeling of lightness and liberation; the return after the sitting produces the thought of having been miles away at a PLACE of absolute joy and peace. The GUIDE that wishes to take control enters the body of the medium. Our first impression is one of being locked in; we feel restricted and a little uncomfortable. Through the process of entering the body of the medium WE lose many of our thoughts, ideas and knowledge that were present a moment ago, this is why the controlling SPIRIT can at times not answer seemingly simple questions put by the participants. The feeling of being locked it disappears after a few trance sessions. Dear mother, you will remember that my first messages were initially disjointed and of short duration; but I now feel very comfortable, exactly as if I was temporarily using my own body again. Our feelings are rather complicated whilst this takes place. We only feel whether it is hot or cold on Earth when we touch the AURA of the medium; as we penetrate into this outer AURA, we feel the heat and the cold and we see light and darkness. Many SPIRIT ENTITIES initially balk at the endeavour to establish contact. The best comparison that I can give is the feeling one has when one approaches the waiting room of a dentist to then decide to postpone the whole thing to next day. During the control or the trance, we are constantly exhorted by the MAIN GUIDE to not forget to breathe; this is why you will observe some very laboured and heavy breathing during the first few times, something a SPIRIT ENTITY will control. The SPIRITS no longer remember that they no longer breathe normally. You must remember dear mother that we have not had to fill our lungs with air for a long time; but if we were to continue in our usual fashion, the medium would soon be joining us on OUR SIDE. This is why the MAIN GUIDE constantly says: ‘Breathe, breathe, breathe!’ This interferes quite considerably during the initial stages, mother, you will see why many of our messages are so disjointed at the beginning. Once we managed to transmit one single, simple sentence after all the preceding work and organisation, we are content and we know that our work has not been in vain. – That’s all, mother. Do you have a question?” As I now knew how secure he felt with his control I took the opportunity to have a stimulating conversation with him. To begin with, he was avidly keen to prove to me that he could SEE through the closed eyes of the medium, for instance that the sweet peas in the vase on the table were blue on the outside, but red in the middle, that the table runner could actually not be called brown, but also not orange. He touched the medium’s glasses that lay on the table and said: This pair of glasses belong to the medium”. I asked: “Can you see people the way we see them?” He said: “Yes, and we can SEE even more, we SEE what they think.” I asked whether the mysterious collapse of my bicycle tire was an ACT of SPIRIT? He said: “Yes, it is very easy for us to do such things.” The fact was that the tire of the back wheel was suddenly flat when I got on my bicycle on the morning of the 29th of July, even though it was completely pumped-up moments before. “Lady, your

- 13 - tire is flat” said two workers employed in the back alley. I therefore had to push the bike back into the garage and when I entered the house, the telephone rang. My husband informed me that he would come home for lunch somewhat earlier and that he also had to leave earlier too. This incident was therefore a stroke of luck and I had my suspicions about it, because I constantly have such happy coincidences. And what do you know! When my husband inflated the tire the next day, it stayed pumped-up and I could use the bicycle immediately. 7. Lower Astral Spheres (9th of June 1948, Medium: C, R. Dell) “Good morning mother. – How wonderful for me to be able to once again take control of this medium in order to talk to you! Does my voice come across clearly?” Me: “Just about clear enough.” “Since I talked to you last, I have been to a part of this WORLD that gave me a lot to think about; it will certainly be of value to you mother and those that would like to read about it. There were three of us. One of them was HENRY, better known as HEINRICH, the other one a GUIDE or LOTSE in the department that we went to, the third one was ME, your son Federick. The GUIDE said: ‘I am convinced that you two young people would dearly like to see all forms and conditions of life and not only the things that please the eyes and the heart.’ We agreed and he promised to guide us down to the LOWER ASTRAL WORLD. There didn’t seemed to be a difference in the atmosphere to begin with. We gradually went deeper into a zone that lies very close to Earth, but to find yourself in it is a highly unhappy situation. The atmosphere seemed to be terrestrial; the longer one remained the greater the desire for earthly things. We were guided along a kind of avenue. We encountered people of different levels of happiness; but something was lacking. They seemed to be enveloped in a grey world. We met people that had been well-known on Earth only two or three years ago. Some of the names had been constantly on the lips of millions. They did not notice our presence at all in most cases and they currently seemed to be content within their own, restricted world. As we went along, we came to a very sad looking woman; the GUIDE said: ‘Let’s see whether we can get in contact with her!’ He said to her: ‘Greeting madam’. She answered: ‘I don’t know you. I’m afraid you are mistaken.’ His answer was: ‘I believe that you are looking for help.’ She said: ‘No, I don’t need nobody’s help, my life is over as far as I’m concerned.’ She started to cry and said: ‘I cannot understand it at all. It seemed to happen a long time ago. I must have been ill or insane; because I am very certain that I took my own life. But I couldn’t have done so, because I am still alive.’

- 14 - He said to her: ‘My dear sister, you are alive; but the world would say that you are dead. You took GOD’S LAW into your own hands and you tried to destroy something that did not belong to you. Life, my child is indestructible. The beautiful colours of life can be dulled through the circumstances we find ourself in; but life itself, that springs from the FOUNTAIN of INFINITE WISDOM and LOVE, which we are a part of, can never die.’ She said: ‘Oh, tell me what I have to do now!’ He answered: ‘Search deep within the recesses of your heart to see whether you can find an act of love there that was bestowed on you when you were on Earth!’ She thought about it for a while and then she said: ‘Oh, my friend, that’s easy. There were many that bestowed friendliness and love upon me during my life.’ He then said: As love was bestowed upon you, even if only to a limited degree, pass it on to others that you come in contact with and do so out of gratitude! By doing this, you will cultivate a little plant in your heart that will grow into patience, understanding and love for your fellow human beings and your tolerance and insights will turn into a bridge for the realisation of the love and compassion that reside within you; this will grant you an insight into GOD’S LOVE for all of us. Once you have found this, you will have found heaven; because heaven springs from WITHIN. Heaven is a state of peace that penetrates through the soul and the mind and it turns an ordinary place of residence into a palace of infinite beauty.’ She said: ‘Oh, mister, I will try to live my life in a correct way. Good day!’ Further on we encountered people that simply wandered around in the belief that they were still on Earth and they behaved as if they were insane. Yes, time went by and every STAGE seems to lead us to even greater misery. Our hearts became heavy and I turned to HEINRICH: ‘Is there nothing we can do to help these people?’ The GUIDE smiled wisely: ‘My sons, this has happened for millions and millions of years. These souls have fought a constant battle between good and evil. People call it ‘evil’, but the reality is that it is undeveloped ‘good’. Yes, we can help; everyone can help, on Earth and in this WORLD by trying as best as they can to convey the true meaning of life to their fellow men and by endeavouring to create harmony. I will leave you here my sons, I hope that you will realise that we cannot slacken our battle HERE in our WORLD for one moment in order to bring back to GOD those children that have strayed from the true path of life.’ We wished our friend GOD’S BLESSING. He turned to us and said: ‘May peace be with you in everything that you do in the NAME of the FATHER!’ We seemed to move through space at lightning speed once again into a brighter and lighter atmosphere. We had once again learned a lesson, namely not to be content and too comfortable because we were surrounded by peace, harmony and beauty. But to consider that the WORLD of SPIRIT also contains souls of the same GOD, sons and daughters of the GREAT FATHER, that require our help, our understanding and our love in order to finally find the peace and the bliss that is the inheritance of all of GOD’S children. No more about this mother, but only a short appendix! ‘And I, John, saw the holy city.’ And I, Frederick Parker saw the holy city and holy places being bombed. Where children sang ‘Glory to

- 15 - God in Heaven’, the streets echoed from the rattling of machineguns and grief reigned throughout the WORLD of SPIRIT. (Dictated during the war between the Jews and the Arabs in Palestine,) The minds of Christians all over the world have been directed towards Jerusalem like a focal point and this concentration of thoughts helped to bring about an atmosphere of veneration. The present terrestrial world is going through a very difficult time; but we in OUR WORLD are certain that an understanding between nation and nation, people and people and GOD and human beings will eventuate. We, who saw how the holy city being bombed knew that from the rubble of destroyed dreams a lasting peace will eventually be constructed. Enough for now mother; I must return.” 8. Rescue organisation in lower Spheres (21th of August 1952, Medium: Mrs. Kern) “My work has now focused on the seven SPHERES of DARKNESS. The work is specifically now particularly necessary and important. There are people there whose help could be of great value to us. If we could make these tormented souls understand the great contribution that they could make in order to atone for the damage their disobedience against the UNIVERSAL LAWS has caused, we can indeed have a little hope that we might be able to utilise their contribution to place people back into their rightful place. We have to constantly battle with the great POWERS of undeveloped souls. The battle is severe; but with GOD’S HELP, we will win. I would like to convey a few thoughts to you this morning, so that you can get an idea of our undertaking. I unite with another, a higher INTELLIGENCE. It will be difficult to give you a more accurate description of all the details of the preparations. We gather together with OTHERS in a beautiful temple that is dedicated to this work and we are inaugurated there. We receive the blessing of a GREAT SOUL, one that descended from a HIGHER SPHERE for this purpose. We then go our separate ways and follow the instructions that our FRIENDS, the GUIDES have given us. We are connected to these GUIDES via a MAGNETIC BAND so that greater protection can be given to us. We then enter the SPHERE of these unfortunate souls. Our welcome there is sometimes a pathetic experience; at other times we are welcomed with great joy by those that have gained a little LIGHT. We then endeavour – if we are allowed – to start a conversation with them in a natural fashion. We talk to them about their life on Earth. We do not reprove them; we rather show an interest in their life on Earth that is ever so real to them. Gradually and with great empathy we make it clear to them that they no longer live in a physical body. This is the greatest difficulty that we have to overcome.

- 16 - The moment the LIGHT – a murky LIGHT – penetrates through, it seemed to them as if a fog dissipated. They only heard our voices before; but we now gradually appear visible to them, myself to begin with and later, when the truth begins to dawn on them, the ILLUMINATED SOUL that descended with me into this SPHERE also. They are then very astonished. We can now gradually tell them that they will see their loved ones again and that they will be better able to help them than we can at this time. Great is our joy if only one singular soul has accepted the LIGHT of UNDERSTANDING, because that soul will then be able to help others in this place of darkness. There are lots of SCIENTISTS and other souls in these LOWER SPHERES that we have to reach in order to deviate their thoughts from acts of destruction. There are many there because they did not understand and were not instructed on Earth. This is why we like you to tell the people on Earth about this.’ 9.The fate of simple people (Medium: Miss L. Bromwich) “This morning, as I impressed the present instrument¸ I read in her thoughts the question: how do ordinary and poor people find their life in the LAND of SUMMER, because not everybody can be a pundit or an artist; surely a question that deserves an answer. We people from Earth come to OUR WORLD, they usually find a related soul that will help them and guide them to the SPHERE of LIFE that is most suitable and attractive for them. But one has to take the whole course of their earthly existence and all their deeds into consideration. All that one represents HERE is what one has created of oneself on Earth. Some time ago, I wandered through the WORLD of SPIRIT and saw how a very beautiful soul created a glorious garden. He had been one of the humblest souls on Earth and he had loved nature and flowers; but during the short lifespan in a physical body, he had no opportunity the satisfy his desires in that respect. He came to us from one of the wretched quarters of London where not one blade of grass can grow. During his whole life he was constantly filled with the great desire to create something beautiful in nature. Due to a road accident, he suddenly turned up in our world, a poor old man that nobody cared about. But when I saw him create this wonderful work, I knew that he had finally fulfilled his heart’s desire. He was filled with joy and gratitude about the wonderful opportunity this SPHERE offered him,” In his next example Fredrick talked about the headmistress of an orphanage, who on Earth had not correctly grasped the wonderful assignment on Earth that had presented itself to her, because discipline and not loving understanding had been the principle of her life. He particularly described the fate of two of her foster children:

- 17 - “These two children, weak and sensitive, unloved and neglected, were brought to this orphanage in a very bad state of health. These poor things! They were very afraid; the world had not treated them kindly. They never knew family life and this strict disciplinarian seemed to bring about their heartbreaking condition that made them wither away until they ended up in the WORLD that I live in. They encountered a completely different situation here. They found love, empathy and understanding from those that are called upon to protect and to bring up children. After some time, the headmistress, filled with the importance of what she had accomplished, also ended up in our WORLD. She thought that she had carried out her mission in a faithful and good manner and that she had done what the authorities demanded to the best of her abilities. This headmistress wandered around the LAND of SPIRIT for a long time and she tried to eradicate the predisposition that had controlled her physical existence. She worked on herself with tears in her eyes, because she recognised the wonderful opportunities she had failed to fulfil whilst in her physical body, because she did not make love, empathy and understand the tenets of her life; HERE, she had to start right from the beginning. It is always difficult – like now during a war – when an enormous number of blossoming your men are dispatched en masse to the WORLD of SPIRIT, because most of them have no inkling at all that they continue to live exactly as they had in a physical body. They find themselves in a strange but beautiful ENVIRONMENT and many of them do not what has happened. You will not be surprised to hear that many of them return to their previous environment. Yes. I presently talk about a nice young man who had returned many times to the situation that he had left behind; he stood by his plane in order to help load bombs. For quite some time he was not aware that he had left his physical body. He felt the way he had always felt. He had his senses and his memory and he only gradually realised his situation when he noticed that his friends were not aware of his presence.” 10. Reconstruction (24th of February 1949, Medium: C.R. Dell) “This morning, I would like to add a chapter that I will call ‘Reconstruction’. The horrors of the war years have demanded a heavy toll from the peace of mind of earth as well as the WORLD of SPIRIT. The secession of animosities, the dampening or silence of war drums is not the only thing, because war is not only waged with bombs and rifles, but also with people’s hearts. To put away your armament, rifles, tanks and the air force is easy, but over the years, a strong desire for dominance over one’s fellow men once again eats into the hearts of men and women. This cannot be muffled through a mere explanation that the war is at an end. There are thousands and thousands of men and women that were thrown into the OTHER SPHERE of LIFE without the slightest warning. These people think that it is their inherent right to take revenge on those that were responsible for ending their chapter of life. And opposed to the image one might have, the WORLD these people ENTER into in the FIRST INSTANCE, is one of chaos, hatred and very little love.