Not from this Earth - Part 2

51 Question : Will the EXTRATERRESTRIALS verify GOD’S EXISTENCE in one way or another? AREDOS : Yes, they will certainly do so – and very convincingly indeed. An earthling by the name of Kierkegaard 11 appropriately said: “GOD’S EXISTENCE cannot be verified by the mind. This EXISTENCE is justified through faith. It demands a leap of faith. Faith must therefore be evidently verified, before GOD can be verified! • Doubt lurks at the principles of religion. • Denying GOD is an act of defiance within man and • Atheism is negative theology. Atheism justly refutes the insufficient EVIDENCE of GOD’S EXISTENCE. Man’s power of imagination is not sufficiently pronounced to comprehend GOD’S PERSONALITY. This is why it would be of no specific consequence if UFOS would simply turn up as a technologically highly developed race of beings, to demonstrate the capabilities of their space ships. Their ASSIGNMENT goes well beyond that; they are here to simultaneously evoke supernatural phenomena and verify that they do have control over these phenomena. • The beauty in nature and of other worlds has not been created by blind forces! Your nuclear physicists have specifically verified that there is a mathematical order. The ORDER prevailing throughout the universe has a great, incomprehensible mind; otherwise it could not be called an ORDER. • The disorder in regards to the cohabitation between the nations on Earth verifies that reason is lacking. The power of reason is certainly present, but it is subdued through raw violence. The EXTRATERRESTRIALS will endeavour to replace part of this power of reasoning in order to introduce ORDER. American experiments (By Herbert Viktor Speer, leader of the Psychic Peace Circle, Berlin) Dr. Weinsheimer from the USA undertook an informative experiment. This researcher experimented with a number of selected, very intelligent and healthy students. They were placed 11 Kierkegaard, Søren Aabye [Danish. 'kergegc:r], born Copenhagen 5.5.1813, died 11.1.1855, Danish philosopher and theologian. Known for his work (mainly in dialogue form) in regards to the categories of existence and fear, freedom and determination. Kierkegaard regarded existence as the synthesis of the finite and infinite, fulfilled through three stages (aesthetical, ethical and religious). Man’s inherent freedom of choice (determination) triggers fear (despair), escape from this is possible though >God’s Grace<. Kierkegaard regards faith as faith in the absurd. He influenced existence philosophy and dialectic theology of the 20 th century. Works: Either/Or (1843), Fear and trembling (1843), The concept of anxiety (1844), The sickness unto death (1849), Practice in Christianity (1850).