Not from this Earth - Part 2

28 movers and also on escalators and in elevators. Question : How are houses constructed? SEMARUS: Houses stand apart from one another and almost invariably built in the round , city centres however look roughly like the centre of Caracas (Venezuela), but more perfect, more beautiful in shape and form and more modern. We regard the buildings in Caracas as the most modern of their kind on this Earth. Question : Using our terrestrial time scale, how long does a day on the EXTRATERRESTRIAL’S home planet last. SEMARUS: Roughly – wait a minute – 32 hours. Question : One rotation? SEMARUS: Yes, one rotation of the planet. The correct climate is created Question : How severe are the climatic variances? Are there actually any at all? SEMARUS: Climatic variance existed many years ago. Bodacious technology however creates the correct climate wherever required. It would not necessarily be a blessing for your world, if your power brokers were able to influence the weather to such a degree, because the opportunities to apply this weather control equipment are very diverse. Question : Would the people on Earth then virtually wage wars with the help of the weather? SEMARUS: This would be the worst case scenario. This would just about eclipse the hydrogen bomb. Just imagine: Nothing but rain, thunder and lightning over enemy territory and there would be no way for the weather to disperse, because it would be magnetically hindered from doing so. Hurricanes, typhoons and god knows what, would suck the breath from people’s lungs. Leader : Are there no conflicts on the EXTRATERRESTRIAL’S planet? SEMARUS: No, anything like this would be unthinkable. Question : How are differences of opinions we usually settle here on Earth with force, settled there? SEMARUS: Differences of opinions hardly ever arise. The same would apply in your case, if you would think more logically and if you had greater insights. – I am not attacking you personally , I am talking about your fellow men. When differences of opinions actually do arise, EXTRATERRESTRIALS will face a