Not from this Earth - Part 2

18 Question : What is the most distinctive difference between your medicine and ours? Z. S. : We take preventing measures whilst we’re healthy and we have appliances that cleanse the air around us of the worst pathogens. In addition we treat illnesses with radiation and from time to time we might apply partial dematerialisations. As mentioned, great care has to be taken, because one has to get used to these partial dematerialisations first. They hardly have an adverse effect on me. Financial accounting without an interest based economy Question : Do you have a monetary system that controls the correlation between work and benefits? Z. S. : Yes, it also represents one of the necessities of life. We virtually have what you might call a noble democracy . Nobody will ever forsake anybody else. • We know that we are all brothers and sisters! If somebody is in financial strife, the richer ones will gladly help. But nobody would ever come up with the idea to play poor in order to profit from the richer out of Psychic drawing: SEBAR, fruit on Mars. This fruit serves the EXTRATERRESTRIAL as staple diet and it is supposed to give them a lot of energy. Transmitted by the MESSENGER of LIGHT, JOHN SHERIDAN.