Not from this Earth - Part 2

15 Question : Would it be possible for you to convey our greetings to our friends ASHTAR SHERAN and TAI SHIIN? Z. S. : No problem, when convenient through “radio” contact. Yes, dear citizens of Earth, my friends, we cause poor and afflicted mankind a lot of headaches and to add to its frustrations, we don’t land. Well, we can’t do this just like that for strategic reasons. You surely understand what I mean? Leader : I can imagine that maybe bellicose arguments could arise if UFOS would land. Above anything else, they don’t want to cause turmoil here on Earth. GOD will actually give them the order to act. Z. S. : A lot of people would act in a very, very careless fashion if we would land immediately. This is why we can only proceed gradually. There is a German saying I learned from you a week ago. It goes: “Everything with quietude to begin with and then pounce.” Objection : This is more than German, this is a typical Berliner saying! Z. S. : Be this as it may, I heard this in a cabaret radio program whilst in a VIMANA, listening in to improve my German. Well, I am sorry, but I have to leave you once again. I will however not neglect to return whenever I can in order to convey new insights to you. – We need you in the role of our mouthpiece ! Leader : Dear ZYNDAR, this is very nice, and you are certainly aware that we are engaged in the salvation process, and this also includes your help – and if you have something to say that mankind must take notice off, you can always turn to us. We will try everything we can to make it known. Z. S. : Measure by measure, as you would say. – I have ten minutes left. If you like, your friend JOHN can draw a picture of me. I might not see him, but I know that he is present. There are only a few of us that can see the world of the hereafter. Telepathy however manages to bridge this difference. The world of spirit certainly sees us! Being in an astral state isn’t quite the same as being dead. There is a difference in regards to being astral when still physically alive . I may bid you goodbye: Sul inat it nit othen or, Peace across all frontiers!